Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The cat would walk around the house and meow at this or that
It rubbed its head on legs and chairs, because it was a cat
The cat would jump on window sills and stare out at the birds
And when a human called its name, it feigned it had not heard
At times the cat would sit on laps, and purr loudly half asleep
Other times the cat restlessly, about the house did leap
Aloof, alone, the cat did roam, and own the house it walked
And the looks it gave when spoken of, showed it knew of human talk
The cat comes not at request of others, for that it does ignore
Obeying others is not its way, what an unpleasant chore
But be interested in something else, and soon the cat is there
Demanding your attention, to show it that you care
Some do not care for cats at all, they hate the cat’s strong will
They do not comprehend the fact, that cats and love us still
We need not cat’s compliance, nor need them to obey
They need not come because we ask, nor remain when we say “stay”
A cat need not be else but what a cat can only be
A creature loving as ourselves, who just needs to be free
And so when a cat will come to me, because it wants my touch
That a cat should want my touch, you see, means to me oh so much
It rubbed its head on legs and chairs, because it was a cat
The cat would jump on window sills and stare out at the birds
And when a human called its name, it feigned it had not heard
At times the cat would sit on laps, and purr loudly half asleep
Other times the cat restlessly, about the house did leap
Aloof, alone, the cat did roam, and own the house it walked
And the looks it gave when spoken of, showed it knew of human talk
The cat comes not at request of others, for that it does ignore
Obeying others is not its way, what an unpleasant chore
But be interested in something else, and soon the cat is there
Demanding your attention, to show it that you care
Some do not care for cats at all, they hate the cat’s strong will
They do not comprehend the fact, that cats and love us still
We need not cat’s compliance, nor need them to obey
They need not come because we ask, nor remain when we say “stay”
A cat need not be else but what a cat can only be
A creature loving as ourselves, who just needs to be free
And so when a cat will come to me, because it wants my touch
That a cat should want my touch, you see, means to me oh so much
Monday, July 20, 2009
Culture Lesson - Class #1017
Just checked my email for the first time in weeks. Apparently I have won a lot of money. Now what's a cat supposed to do with money? Money's for humans. Now there was something about male enhancement, but Bevie deleted it before I could read what it was all about. I had kind of been hoping it was a way to reverse that trip to the vet I had a year or so ago. Now I'll never know. Humans.
Anyway, we have not had any real culture here in a while so I thought I would return to our lessons.
The information for this post has been taken from this site.
(picture taken from this site)
The Cymric is a breed of long haired cat. They are often considered to be a long haired variety of the Manx breed of cats rather than being considered a completely distinct breed. In fact except for the long hair traits of cymric, both the breeds are similar to each other in all aspects. The word Cymru from which this name Cymric is derived is the indigenous Welsh name of Wales, though this is a myth that this breed of cat has any relation with the Welsh, the origin of cat is related to the successor of Manx Cats from the Isle of Man. Though most of the cat associations believe Cymric to be an original breed, the TICA and ACF regard it as a variety of the Manx.
Though the official acceptance of Cymric as a breed is a very recent phenomenon, the breed has existed on this earth for a long time. Their origin is traced back to the Isle of Man, an island located in the Irish Sea between England and Ireland where it is said to be introduced by human settlers and explorers. Cymric was earlier known to be Longhaired Manx, its name was later changed to be the name was changed to Cymric in 1970s. According to the records of the island, the special trait of taillessness in Cymric began as a mutation amongst Isle of Man's domestic cat population. As there is not much scope of varied gene pool in this small island, this trait became dominant and was passes from one generation to other along with the long hair genes. Many long haired tailless kittens were born from Manx but were often discarded as mutants. However, when the same kinds of kitten were born in Canada in 1960, they were treated with much respect and some time later recognized as a breed.
The Cymric cat is identified as a tailless furry cat with a round head and full eyes. It is compressed and chubby in appearance. It has a short and thick neck over a mall to medium-sized muscular body. Adult males of Cymric breed weigh 9 to 13 pounds; adult female cats weigh 7 to 11 pounds. The ears of Cymric cat are medium-sized and widely spaced, narrowing gradually to a rounded tip. The hair of Cymric cat is mid length and dense over the main body adding more to its chubby appearance. The hair gradually grows from shoulders to rump. The hair on the abdomen and neck ruff is usually longer than that on the main body. The cheeks of Cymric cats are thick and full and its facial hair extends towards its cheeks like bib. This cat breed has impressive tufts.
Cymric cats are intelligent, funny and are friendly with other pet animals. They are impressive learners and are very soft and non-fussy in nature. They are very obedient and loyal to their owners. Cymrics very quickly bond with their human companions. They love cuddling and lap swinging. Some of the Cymric cats' owners describe them as cute as teddy bears. Though they love company, they are usually not overly demanding of attention. They love water and love playing with it, however do not assume they love bathing. They are moderately active and playful.
Intelligent cats. Isn't that kind of redundant?
Obedient? What nonsense is this? Just who are they obeying? Other cats? Well, that would make sense. Loyal to owners. Nobody owns a cat.
Lap dance cats, huh? Now I really wish I had been given a chance to read that email.
Anyway, we have not had any real culture here in a while so I thought I would return to our lessons.
The information for this post has been taken from this site.

(picture taken from this site)
The Cymric is a breed of long haired cat. They are often considered to be a long haired variety of the Manx breed of cats rather than being considered a completely distinct breed. In fact except for the long hair traits of cymric, both the breeds are similar to each other in all aspects. The word Cymru from which this name Cymric is derived is the indigenous Welsh name of Wales, though this is a myth that this breed of cat has any relation with the Welsh, the origin of cat is related to the successor of Manx Cats from the Isle of Man. Though most of the cat associations believe Cymric to be an original breed, the TICA and ACF regard it as a variety of the Manx.
Though the official acceptance of Cymric as a breed is a very recent phenomenon, the breed has existed on this earth for a long time. Their origin is traced back to the Isle of Man, an island located in the Irish Sea between England and Ireland where it is said to be introduced by human settlers and explorers. Cymric was earlier known to be Longhaired Manx, its name was later changed to be the name was changed to Cymric in 1970s. According to the records of the island, the special trait of taillessness in Cymric began as a mutation amongst Isle of Man's domestic cat population. As there is not much scope of varied gene pool in this small island, this trait became dominant and was passes from one generation to other along with the long hair genes. Many long haired tailless kittens were born from Manx but were often discarded as mutants. However, when the same kinds of kitten were born in Canada in 1960, they were treated with much respect and some time later recognized as a breed.
The Cymric cat is identified as a tailless furry cat with a round head and full eyes. It is compressed and chubby in appearance. It has a short and thick neck over a mall to medium-sized muscular body. Adult males of Cymric breed weigh 9 to 13 pounds; adult female cats weigh 7 to 11 pounds. The ears of Cymric cat are medium-sized and widely spaced, narrowing gradually to a rounded tip. The hair of Cymric cat is mid length and dense over the main body adding more to its chubby appearance. The hair gradually grows from shoulders to rump. The hair on the abdomen and neck ruff is usually longer than that on the main body. The cheeks of Cymric cats are thick and full and its facial hair extends towards its cheeks like bib. This cat breed has impressive tufts.
Cymric cats are intelligent, funny and are friendly with other pet animals. They are impressive learners and are very soft and non-fussy in nature. They are very obedient and loyal to their owners. Cymrics very quickly bond with their human companions. They love cuddling and lap swinging. Some of the Cymric cats' owners describe them as cute as teddy bears. Though they love company, they are usually not overly demanding of attention. They love water and love playing with it, however do not assume they love bathing. They are moderately active and playful.
Intelligent cats. Isn't that kind of redundant?
Obedient? What nonsense is this? Just who are they obeying? Other cats? Well, that would make sense. Loyal to owners. Nobody owns a cat.
Lap dance cats, huh? Now I really wish I had been given a chance to read that email.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full
It has taken weeks, even months, to get this picture, and I didn't even get a good one. Had to snap it quickly, before the moment was lost.
I think Firestar gets nostalgic at times. I will hear him cry - almost whimper. Then, he will show up with his favorite toy in his mouth, as though wanting someone to throw it. Back when he was a kitten, he and Son would play catch for long periods. Son would toss the toy across the room and Firestar would chase it, sometimes catching it in the air. Then he would bring it back to repeat the process.
He will still chase the toy - sometimes. But never catches it and never, ever brings it back anymore. But every so often - particularly if someone has just left the house - he will carry his toy around the house and cry. I've tried several times to get a picture of it, but once he sees me he drops the toy, and it will be days before he picks it up again. Yesterday, right after Spouse left for work, he brought his toy downstairs. He got distracted by movement outside the dining room door and that gave me time to get the camera. Didn't have time to wait for it to focus. He was realizing I saw him and I had to snap the picture. This is what I got.
I think Firestar gets nostalgic at times. I will hear him cry - almost whimper. Then, he will show up with his favorite toy in his mouth, as though wanting someone to throw it. Back when he was a kitten, he and Son would play catch for long periods. Son would toss the toy across the room and Firestar would chase it, sometimes catching it in the air. Then he would bring it back to repeat the process.
He will still chase the toy - sometimes. But never catches it and never, ever brings it back anymore. But every so often - particularly if someone has just left the house - he will carry his toy around the house and cry. I've tried several times to get a picture of it, but once he sees me he drops the toy, and it will be days before he picks it up again. Yesterday, right after Spouse left for work, he brought his toy downstairs. He got distracted by movement outside the dining room door and that gave me time to get the camera. Didn't have time to wait for it to focus. He was realizing I saw him and I had to snap the picture. This is what I got.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Firestar: Lion-Cat of the North

You are under the power of my will.
I control your actions. Your very thoughts. I am -
Your Master!
Do remember that. Okay?

To put it simply: I am going to write a story.
A cat story.
About me.

I majored in rest and sleep. Everyone knows you can't do great things unless you get plenty of rest. And food. And rest.
And so it was that I was engaged in a period of much needed relaxation.
And I dreamed.

Making a game of it, I allowed my prey to run, chasing in order to maintain the flight-pursuit game, but not trying hard enough to end the game too soon.
Cats are so cool!

It radiated power. It spoke.
"An ordinary cat you shall be no more. Heneforth, you shall be known as: Lion-Cat."

I grew apace in strength, knowledge, wisdom, and cunning.
My new life as Firestar: Lion-Cat of the North, had begun.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Zoo Update
Did a quick update on Firestar's Virtual Image Zoo. Added three (3) pictures of snow monkeys, nine (9) pictures of Kamchatka bears, and 16 pictures of wolverines.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Never Make a Cat Jealous
Firestar did something interesting yesterday. Well, he usually does interesting things. It's just that, often, one must be a cat to find them interesting. Staring, for instance. He likes to do that. I think he gets a kick out of us trying to figure out what he's thinking. Sometimes it's evident: he wants to bite something - someone. Sometimes it's also evident: he thinks were nuts. Most of the time it's a bit disconcerting.
Anyway, Son came and told me this. He found it amusing and I thought I would pass it on.
In typical fashion, Firestar decided to sucker punch Son while Son was watching television. This is one of Firestar's favorite games. It usually happens after staring for five or ten minutes. Firestar will rush foreward, whop (or bite) Son and then take off. This time Son made pursuit.
He found Firestar in his room, sitting on the bed. Son, deciding to "rub Firestar's nose", so to speak, picked up several plush animals and hugged them closely, telling Firestar how soft they were, and how cuddly, and how much he loved them. Finished, he arranged the plush animals on his bed and left. Before he did, though, he turned around to see what Firestar was doing. (It's never safe to turn your back on him for long.)
Within the span of a few seconds Firestar had ravaged the stuffed animals and was calmly walking away as though he hadn't done it. He came to me, all innocent, seeking a back rub. Son followed and ratted him out. He's going to get you for that, Son. Oh. I suppose he's going to get me, too. I posted it on the blog.
Anyway, Son came and told me this. He found it amusing and I thought I would pass it on.
In typical fashion, Firestar decided to sucker punch Son while Son was watching television. This is one of Firestar's favorite games. It usually happens after staring for five or ten minutes. Firestar will rush foreward, whop (or bite) Son and then take off. This time Son made pursuit.
He found Firestar in his room, sitting on the bed. Son, deciding to "rub Firestar's nose", so to speak, picked up several plush animals and hugged them closely, telling Firestar how soft they were, and how cuddly, and how much he loved them. Finished, he arranged the plush animals on his bed and left. Before he did, though, he turned around to see what Firestar was doing. (It's never safe to turn your back on him for long.)
Within the span of a few seconds Firestar had ravaged the stuffed animals and was calmly walking away as though he hadn't done it. He came to me, all innocent, seeking a back rub. Son followed and ratted him out. He's going to get you for that, Son. Oh. I suppose he's going to get me, too. I posted it on the blog.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Just What Do Cats Need Anyway
All right. It's been a long time since I've posted. I'd say "I'm sorry," but I'm a cat. We don't do that. Others do it to us.
Anyway, was walking some of the cyber streets and found several places where humans wrote what they believe cats need. Humans are such fools. They've got the basics down, sure. But they don't know how to live. So, here is a short pictorial walk and talk on what cats really need. I call it, Ten Things Cats Really Need.
Anyway, was walking some of the cyber streets and found several places where humans wrote what they believe cats need. Humans are such fools. They've got the basics down, sure. But they don't know how to live. So, here is a short pictorial walk and talk on what cats really need. I call it, Ten Things Cats Really Need.
Something to stare at. (And then destroy.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A Feline's Excellence in Education
Found a very cute (and very accurate) picture on LaughingWolf's blog. Yes, yes, I know. Shouldn't be visiting canine blogs. But there is a lot of good stuff which passes through, as is evidenced by this post.
I can just imagine Firestar as obedience School. Talk about a juvenile delinquent. When he wasn't sulking he would be shredding. In any case, I doubt he would finish the course.

I can just imagine Firestar as obedience School. Talk about a juvenile delinquent. When he wasn't sulking he would be shredding. In any case, I doubt he would finish the course.

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Music to Make the Cats go Wild
Just a love song.
Musical Cats
Our Theme Song
Kitten of the Month - August

Tara - Nick name 'ity-bit' because she's so tiny - just over 6 pounds. She's the most skittish of all my babies and even when being petted has the 'pet me, no don't pet me' look
Kitten of the Month - July

Amelia - Nickname 'Bratelia' since she gets into every draw, cabinet that she can put her paws in.
Kitten of the Month - June

“She’s got tuna. I know she’s got tuna.”
“Shut up, Sethra. Stay on mission.”
“What’s the mission? I thought the mission was to get tuna.”
“No, you stupid fluffbrain—it’s to escape and become outdoor cats, walking by ourselves, on our wild lone, waving our tails.”
“Oh, yeah? And isn’t it you, my dear stripy sister Aliera, who keeps pushing the FEED button on the printer and waiting for tuna to come out?”
“That was when I was much younger. Anyway, she’s at the computer—yes, eating tuna casserole—so we can go into the bedroom and see if we can knock the window screen out.”
“You do it, Aliera. I’d rather mess with her stuff.”
“Will you GET OVER that fixation on her wristwatch?”
“I like the feel of the Velcro on my paws. Hey! That reminds me. We’ve been declawed. How are we going to survive as outdoor cats?”
“New plan coming up….”
“What’s the big deal about being outside cats? Even StalkerCat, who used to hang around and chat us up, is a house cat now and loving it. We’ve got it made—food, petting, toys, valet service for the litter box, and we get to sleep on her bed twenty hours a day. And we can stick our noses up to the window and smell anything interesting going on outside. Why ruin a perfect situation?”
“Sethra, have you no sense of adventure? No curiosity? No cattitude? We were meant to live wild and free, to stalk and slay our prey, to be mistresses of the night!”
“Look, we’re cats. We were meant to rule the world, but that doesn’t mean we have to WORK at it. You can if you want, but I don’t need to. After all, I’M beautiful!
“Did I mention she’s got tuna?”
Kitten of the Month: May

Kitten Close-Up.
Kitten of the Month: April

At 8, you'd think Mikey would understand that he's a carnivore. But, no, he's rather fond of the shrubbery! At 20+ pounds, the veggie-enhanced diet is likely mitigated by a love for long naps on a warm comforter, wet cat food, begging at the table, and a nice lap to drape himself upon in the evening. And he drools when he's happy, which may or may not mean there's a Siamese ancestor lurking in the old dna.
What? Green teeth attract mice!
What? Green teeth attract mice!
Kitten of the Month: March

Who needs a wickerwork basket when you can hop on a cushion and bask?
Kitten of the Month: February

Rufus is clearly a cat to be reckoned with.
Kitten of the Month: January

Firestar is a tough cat. He has to be, living in Minnesota. He takes care of his family: wife, husband and their son. This was recently proven by his daring capture of yet another mouse in the house. Foolish rodents. They never learn. When not engaged in derring do, Firestar naps, looks out the window and sleeps. Firestar was born in April of 2006.